Archive for January, 2024

Best Green Detox Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss

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Best Green Detox Smoothie Recipe For Weight Loss

Makeba shows you how to turn everyday ingredients into a replenishing, fibre-rich smoothie for the day after an unhealthy night.
Click on SHOW MORE for smoothie recipe ingredients!

Blend this into your routine and enjoy the difference!

Here’s how. Add the following into your blender:
– 1/2 cup yogurt
– 1 red apple
– 1 banana
– 1 pear
– 1 tbsp ginger
– 1 tbsp parsley
– handful of kale
– 1 cup coconut water

Subscribe to Makeba Lindsay (ynotkeeb):
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Eating For Your Blood Type: Does It Matter?

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Is eating for your blood type is a popular idea, but is it a good idea? Dr. Barnard joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll with new research.

Plus, he answers your question: “Can my cholesterol be too low?”
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