Dr. Melina Roberts, ND lectures about her targeted detox approach using Nestmann Pharma. She will outline priorities for opening detoxification pathways in the body and discuss bowel elimination, supporting extracellular detox to promote intracellular detox, phase 1 & 2 liver detoxification, and how to improve the eliminatory function of all detox organs. Learn practical techniques and easy-to-use remedies that can be incorporated into every patient treatment plan.

In this seminar, you will learn:

Order of detoxification – what to open first?
Extracellular vs intracellular detoxification
Phase 1 & phase 2 liver detoxification
How the mitochondria support biochemical detox pathways
Why we must always think about the gallbladder!
Detox – what level are you working at? Nutrient, botanical, homeopathic?
Detox remedies for the bowels, liver, gallbladder, kidney, lymphatic, blood, skin & lungs